Fantasia User Guide

What is Fantasia?

Fantasia is a task and expense management application which the user can use to set reminders and deadlines for upcoming events and also track their own expenses. It uses a CLI to process instructions from the user, which can provide a faster and more efficient experience than a usual to-do list application.


Create Task

There are 3 different categories of tasks which can be created in Fantasia- todo,deadline and event. todo contains a description of the task while deadline and event contains a description of the task as well as its time(in YYYY-MM-DD format).

Completing a Task

You can mark a Task as completed([✓]) by using the done command.

List all the Tasks

You can list all the current tasks and all its details in a list format.

Find Tasks

You can find all the tasks with similar descriptions.

Delete Task

You can delete task from your task list by its numbering on the task list.

Create an Expense

You can track your expense by adding an expense in Fantasia.

List all Expenses

You can track all your expenses by in a list format as well as its cumulative total.

Delete an Expense

You can delete an expense from the list.

Commands for Tasks

list - List out all the tasks stored

Format: list Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][✗] Homework 

todo - Create a todo Task

Format: todo <todo description>

Example of usage:

todo Assignment

Expected outcome:

I have added this task:
[T][✗] Assignment
Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.

deadline - Create a deadline Task

Format: deadline <deadline description> /by <time in YYYY-MM-DD>

Example of usage:

deadline Quiz /by 2020-09-20

Expected outcome:

I have added this task:
[D][✗] Quiz (by:2020-09-20)
Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

event - Create a event Task

Format: event <event description> /at <time in YYYY-MM-DD>

Example of usage:

event Hackathon /at 2020-10-01

Expected outcome:

I have added this task:
[E][✗] Hackathon (by:2020-10-01)
Now you have 4 task(s) in the list.

delete - To delete a Task

Format: delete <task number>

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

I have removed the task:
[T][✗] Homework 
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

done - To mark a Task as done

Format: done <task number>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][✓] Assignment

find - To find similar Task

Format: find <description>

Example of usage:

find Assignment

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T][✓] Assignment
2.[T][✗] Assignment 2

Commands for Expenses

expense - To add an expense

Format: expense <description> /amount <expense amount>

Example of usage:

expense dinner /amount 20

Expected outcome:

I have added this expense:
dinner ,Cost:$20.00
Now your total expense is:

listExpense - To list all expenses

Format: listExpense

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the expenses:
1.Breakfast ,Cost:$10.00
2.Lunch ,Cost:$10.00
3.Dinner ,Cost:$20.00

Total expenses: $40.00

deleteExpense - To delete an expense

Format: deleteExpense <expense number>

Example of usage:

deleteExpense 2

Expected outcome:

I have removed the expense:
Lunch ,Cost:$10.00
Now you have 2 expenses in the list.

Miscellaneous commands

(Random Input) - Provides a helpful list of commands

Format : Not applicable

Example of usage:

bla bla bla

Expected outcome:

 Please input:
                1)list - to access the list
                2)todo - to create a todo task
                3)deadline - to create a deadline
                4)event - to schedule an event
                5)done - to mark tasks as done
                6)delete - to delete tasks from the list
                7)find - to find tasks from the list
                -FOR EXPENSES-
                1)expense - to add an expense
                2)listExpense - to list all expenses
                3)deleteExpense - to delete expense from the list

                `bye` - to exit the program

Exiting the program

bye - Exits the program

Format: bye

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: Terminates the program

Summary of features and commands

Features Commands
1. Create a todo task todo [description]
2. Create a deadline task deadline [description] /by [YYYY-MM-DD]
3. Create an event task event [description] /at [YYYY-MM-DD]
4. Marks a task as done done [task number]
5. list all the tasks list
6. find related tasks find [description]
7. delete a task delete [task number]
8. Add an expense expense [description] /amount [expense amount]
9. Display the list of expenses listExpense
10. Delete an expense deleteExpense [expense number]
11. Display list of commands [any random input that is not listed]
12. Exit the program bye


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